Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Driving Miss Daisy

I am a firm believer that people don't get old because they get old...they get old because they have kids. Case in point: as a parent, you spend a lifetime trying to keep your kids safe, right? You keep them from choking, keep them running into the street, keep them for wandering off and getting eaten by a bear. And then suddenly, they reach an age where you willingly (or in my case begrudgingly) hand them the keys to a car; a machine that can actually explode under certain circumstances. I mean, really. Does that seem logical? Because now that I'm dealing with it, it's not; I assure you. It is the most illogical thing on the planet. The modern world is wrecking havoc on my parenting instincts.

All that being said, the Universe seems to be enjoying an ironic twist in this situation that I could have never imagined. It looks a little something like this:

Me: ....Syd. You need to speed up....

Sydney: Why...?

Me: ....Because if I can actually get out and jog next to the car, you're going too slow...

Sydney: I'm trying to be cautious!

Me: .....but that really old lady just passed you.... I'm pretty sure she's going like 15 mph....

Sydney: I'm being cautious.

Me: ....That's great.  I'm just saying that if anyone is checking Google Traffic at the moment, it's suggesting people find a different route around this area....

Sydney: Well, aren't you funny.

Me: .....Seriously. There are like 20 cars behind you.....

And so it goes. Sydney's (cautiously) driving. I'm grateful to be eased into the situation by a generous if not comedic Universe and I admit that this is going better than I could've ever hoped for.
....And as a friendly reminder to my friends in the greater Portland area....you might want to check Google Traffic before you leave your house.

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