Monday, April 23, 2012

Cliffnotes From the Fray

Did anyone else come through March and April feeling like they walked out of a tornado, skirt over their head and missing a shoe? Or was that just me...?

Here's how it looked from here: there was the lead up to and performing of the big ballet production at the Newmark Theater, my parents visiting from Wyoming, and a surgery (in which Tim alleges that I thoroughly entertained the room by cheering for the Timbers while eating crackers in my drug induced haze). There was healing from said surgery on the Coast over Spring Break. There were Timbers games to go to, March Madness brackets to win and lose with my ever obnoxious but genuinely lovable extended family (if any of you looked at my facebook page in March, you know exactly what I'm referring to). There were leprechauns to try and catch on St. Patrick's Day, and don't even get me started on the social and athletic lives of my children.

Now we're dancing through April (or wrestling with it, depending on the day). Beyond getting over a wicked case of the swine flu that's only virtue was letting me revisit my love for the Sopranos, we're 'remodeling' our backyard. There are flowers and vegetables to plant, a sliding glass door to add onto our bedroom so that we can look out onto our gardens and Tim's beloved petanque court, a shed to paint, a couple of stone paths to finish, and a chicken coop to build for our soon-to-be acquired chickens (Yes, chickens. Stay tuned).

Carpe Diem doesn't even begin to cover it.