Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Viva la Mexico!

I won't waste your time bragging about our time in Mexico; I won't mention the warm sun, the taste of sea salt on the lips, the looong solitary walks on the glittering beach or the mojitos before noon (I'll just show you instead).

I will, however, mention that you really haven't lived until you see Mama Mia onstage as interpreted by our non-English speaking neighbors to the south. As my sister-in-law noted, it was much like watching  Godzilla, only with semi-better dance moves. You also haven't lived until you've abandoned a perfectly beautiful whale-watching boat (complete with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails) for a rickety old Mexican dingy somewhere out in the ocean due to seasickness (poor Sydney: nothing says pre-teen cool like harfing off the side of a boat in front of ((gasp)) people. I told her we were in Mexico, every vacationer has to puke in Mexico at some time or another....it's kind of a traveling rite of passage). Anywho, it was an odd adventure complete with old, tired life vests that I was sure would drag us straight to the bottom of the ocean if we had jumped ship (and believe me, I considered jumping ship) plus a strange little captain who seemed to have had a few cocktails himself before taking us back to port (think Jack Sparrow, minus the super sexiness). But, on the bright side, seeing whales from a very small, 3 butt boat was a sight to behold, particularly since it felt like it could've been the last sight I ever saw.

So, here we go....just a few of many images from the trip.

A force to be reckoned with

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Alex and his whale

Patty and Kirsten

Moby Dick

Snotty Chuckle

Sydney being frisked by the Mexican 'police'

The family bed

The Mexican version of Abby Road Crossing

Greeting the day

Tim joins the cast
Feliz Navidad

Mexico, in the words of James Taylor:

"....so sweet with the sun sinking low
Moon's so bright like to light up the night
Make everything all right"

James, I think you're onto something.