Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tim Turns the Big 4-0

I could insert a dozen little jokes about Tim turning 40 as I write this post. Little jabs about being over the hill. That 40's not old if you're a tree. It's tempting, because it's what we do: tease each other to show affection. But I think that it might be best to refrain....Tim is 40 after all. I don't want to upset him and have him drop dead on me. I need to start considering his delicate condition.

 (Ok, now that I've got that out of my system....) I wanted the first days of Tim's 40th year to be memorable (in the best sense) and spent months plotting with his friends and family to have them secretly fly from their corners of the world and surprise him with a birthday celebration on the coast. It was the best kind of fun and The-Gods-of-Turning-40 certainly smiled upon us: A big, comfortable cabin with a group of wonderful people. Absurdly gorgeous weather and a long stretch of a quiet beach. An outdoor jacuzzi and clear, star-filled skies. Lots and lots of laughter. A very happy 40-year-old husband.

I'm going to go ahead and add some photos for him to remember how great this trip was. Because although I'd like to pretend that it isn't going to happen, my own 40th birthday will be here in three short years and I want him to be kind. (Did I mention how good 40 looks on my husband?!)