Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Beautiful Game

The strangest thing has happened to me over the last several months...baffling actually. I've fallen head over heals in love. Irrevocably, passionately, irrationally in love. The kind of love that makes you want to scream at the top of your lungs and show up in a public place wearing nothing but green body paint and a smile.

Wait for it.....wait fooooor it....it's Soccer. I'm in love with MLS soccer. Of all the damn things in the world.

You have to understand how strange this is. To say it's out of character would be the understatement of the century. I mean, sports are fine and all, and I've always enjoyed the atmosphere at Jeld-Wen field but I've never understood the fever pitch that other people reach towards a specific sport or team. If I'm being honest, I'd have to say that I've always found it slightly odd. (I live with a man from Wisconsin. If you think my blase attitude toward the Green Bay Packers hasn't almost led to divorce, you are sadly mistaken....) 

Then one morning I wake up....and BAM!... it's like I've imprinted on the Portland Timbers. I am bewilderingly obsessed. It's like standing aside and watching a foreign version of myself. I watch highlights, listen to sports commentary, and review game strategy. I follow soccer blogs and listen the the opposing team's views and strategy before and after matches. I scream at the tv like a crazy person or better yet, screech in the Timber's Army with all of the other poor imprinted souls at home games. I've cancelled plans with friends and refused to do any sort of mommy taxi during a match. Oh my God, this is soooooo unlike me. 
Tim thinks my obsession is hot. In my quieter moments, I check the Googles for obscure symptoms of early menopause. The way things are going, I'm afraid that this may be what the future holds for me:

So until we find out that I am suffering from some weird symptom of some strange disease, I seem to have no choice but to roll with this fever. If you can't beat it. Join it. Rose City 'Til I Die, baby!

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