According to the calendar, Thanksgiving was less than two weeks ago and yet it feels like I'm writing about something that happened so far in the past, I can hardly remember it. Maybe it's because we're well into the decorating and gift phase of Christmas. Plus, I'm starting to suspect that my job is really a cover for alien abduction because I don't seem to remember anything that's happened since August. Thanksgiving was less than two weeks ago. That's such a mind screw for me right now that I clearly need a vacation.
I do remember being incredibly grateful this Thanksgiving. My brother and his girlfriend visited for several days from Colorado which meant we got to show off our beautiful city and had (another) great reason to go to Voodoo Donuts and the Shanghai Tunnels. Tim spent 12 hours in the kitchen making his annual Thanksgiving Opus. I napped my face off. The kids didn't kill each other, and when the group of us volunteered at The Grotto's
Festival of the Lights, only Alex was attacked by goats at the petting zoo.
Family, food, rest, laughter. Ahhhh, the little things.
Here are some Thanksgiving cliff notes in pictures:
There was a whole lot of this.... |
....with a sprinkling of this.....
....Weegee wears his Thanksgiving best..... |
....I like this photo because it looks like I was actually helping in the kitchen.... |
....Thanksgiving table..... |
...The Festival of Lights. Beautiful, non?... |
....the Goat Whisperer.... |
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