Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Storm to Remember

The weather we've been experiencing in the Pacific Northwest has been, shall we say, interesting. Snow, wind, rain,'s a bit like Mother Nature's in the midst of a severe emotional crisis, swinging from one extreme mental state to another. It's been an entertaining and impressive display to be sure. One of the places that was probably best to steer clear from in the middle of her very public spectacle was the Oregon Coast with its hurricane winds and threats of, of course, we ventured to exactly that location for Tim's birthday. We are nothing if not ridiculous.

Having said that and adding the 'don't try this at home' disclaimer,  I admit that it was one of the best trips that I have ever taken to the coast. First off,  I'm a sucker for a little cabin and a warm fire. Add Bach playing on the itunes and the rain coming in sideways, and very little can spoil my contentment. Even Tim playing his newly acquired beginning bagpipes. Which at this point, sound like the man is feverishly choking a duck. (And if you don't believe me, look at the dog's reaction in this photo. That is utter shock and bewilderment. 'Nuff said.)

Anyway, where was I?.....Ah, yes. Happiness!  As I was saying, the rain came in sideways, the wind blew hard enough to overturn cars, and the sand came alive, flying in perfect, fleeting ribbons to the sea.  In the small spans between intensities, Mother Nature gave moments of perfect calm for walking alone on long stretches of solitary beach. It was remarkable. If this is what we get for being ridiculous, I'll take it.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Let It Snow!

When I left Montana, I swore that I wouldn't care if I never saw snow again. I figured if I didn't have the money to ski on it several times a week, it was more trouble than it was worth. And so I left to greener pastures, literally. And I didn't miss it for years....
....and then something started creeping up on me. A nostalgia as soft as the snowflakes. And, as we've had a dusting of snow over the last few days, I've spent much of my time wandering the streets, remembering how quieting the fall of billowy flakes can be to a restless spirit; how much I enjoy the sting of chilled cheeks and the delicate crunch underfoot. The delight of standing among snowflakes as they dance and swirl to their own silent music.
Once again, I find this weather magical. Wonders never cease.