Yours Truly in: "Scared Shitless, the Sequel" with special guest, Hubby Tim

Tim shakes me awake:
"Kristy. Kristy! Is someone in here?"
"Is one of the kids in here?"
"Hmmm? What's going on?"
"Who are you talking to?"
"What?! I was sleeping....what are you talking about?!"
"I heard the door shut and then you started talking to someone......"
"That's not funny. Seriously."
"I'm not kidding. I heard the door open and close and then you started talking to someone!"
"Tim, so help me god if you woke me up to screw with me....!
"I'm not kidding...!"
(hiding under the blanket)
Tim: "Holy shit! Did you hear that?"
"Maybe I'll go check the door...."
"What??! Don't go over there!! Are you INSANE?! Or possessed?!(*remembering 'Paranormal Activity') Holy shit! Are you possessed??!....."
"Shhhhhh" (*Tim moves slowly goes toward door)
"....because if you're possessed, I think I'm supposed to stake you in the heart or something...."
"....Oh, god. I wasn't prepared to stake anyone tonight...(*looking around wildly)....I might have a high heeled shoe somewhere....."
"Oh, wow! There's no one there..."
"......I cannot believe how much this sucks right now..... "
Tim: "Really? A shoe? "
"Erm.... desperate times, desperate measures?"
Tim: "Only 2 more hours until the sun comes up...."
Me:"*grumble grumble, swear*"
Tim: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Me: Whaaa?! Are you $!@!! kidding me?! You cannot wake me up and scare me to death, then leave me awake in the dark!!
Tim: zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Me: *swear*
I can't remember the last time I was so happy to see the morning dawn.
I still do not appreciate the night's uncomfortable resemblance to 'Paranormal Activity' and Tim still doesn't appreciate that I was willing to stab him with a shoe. We're both still wondering what the heck happened that night....we'll probably never know.