I have to hand it to Alex, he tries. He really does.
Case in point:
Alex finds himself blessed and cursed by attending a Mandarin Immersion Program for school. He gets a kick out of learning a language that no one else in the family comprehends and he finds it especially delightful when he gets to "teach" me Chinese (I use the word "teach" loosely because the only phrase that I have managed to remember over the last three years is '
My butt is on fire,' which will obviously be loads of help to me in China).
On the flip side, going to a school like this one requires Alex to spend a fair amount of time with his arch nemesis, otherwise known as: Homework.
(Key in the sinister sounding music here.) Last year was an almost daily battle with his sworn enemy that left him frustrated and deflated and me ready to sell him
and his Chinese school on Ebay.
This year, however, he has found his balance. Besides doing his homework behind furniture or under blankets with a flashlight, he uses this little trick to mix things up. Had I any idea how much it would focus and calm things, I'd have worn it every single day for my Chemistry classes in college.
That's my boy.