Friday, February 25, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

Here is an image of what it looks like to get a day off of school  because of snow on the East Coast:

And an image of what it looks like to get a day off of school because of snow in Middle America :

And here, my friends, is what it looks like to get a day off of school because of snow in Portland, Oregon. (Yes, school really was called off.)
10 am Thursday, my front yard

Now, I'm from Wyoming and I lived for a nice little chunk of time in Montana, so I find the frantic and frankly, obsessive, tendencies around snow here fascinating. I understand that it's a novelty around these parts, but people really do get nuts over the possibility of flurries. Normally rational people lose it and do things like cancel school.
In this case, for several days, people talked about the upcoming snow as if the apocalypse was imminent. I had to keep reminding myself that the forecasters were predicting around 2 inches and the sky wasn't going to open up and burp out enough snow to crush my house or my children if they happened outside.  It's all so strange.

So, we stayed home yesterday (Did I mention that work was canceled too?) and the kids played with other schoolless children and we drank hot chocolate and enjoyed the wimpy snow day. Well, whatever, we'll take it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Case of the Missing Dog Chunk

Meet WeeGee, our resident drama king.

A few fun facts about this eccentric little soul:

1) He wears a fedora when the mood strikes him

2) He is personally offended by men who wear biking shorts (Once, he started barking like he had lost his little dog mind and then promptly peed on me when Hubby Tim walked in the bedroom wearing biking shorts of the red variety. I guess it's possible he is mostly offended by Hubby Tim wearing bike shorts.)

3) His current infatuation is our plump and moody cat with whom he is having an unorthodox and disturbing affair of the biblical sort. I'll leave it to the imagination... but trust me, it's weird.

4) He's named after a photojournalist whose images of grisly murder and mayhem appeared regularly in the New York press during the thirties and forties....
 ....Which brings us to the current state of affairs. As if to prove that his namesake is well deserved, our little WeeGee went and chopped off part of his ear.

 Let me explain....
...Well, that's the funny part. I can't. It is a complete mystery.

Here's what I know: It was the middle of the night, it was shockingly gory for such a small ear (as in, needing-a-mop-to-clean-up-gory) and the missing piece hasn't shown up yet (Ewwww, I know).

We have some theories as to what could've happened since the scene of the crime seems to be his dog, perhaps, alien abduction. The other possibility being bantered around is that he took a que from Van Gogh and sent the severed chunk to our cat in a bizarre lover's spat ( I'm leaning toward that one). Or maybe our geriatric golden retriever who spends his days walking from one napping spot to another tried to eat him. I dunno.

He spent a few days sulking around looking like a battered little babushka...

...and he still refuses to talk. Soooo, if you happen to see an alien walking around with a dog ear for an eye patch, you'll know what happened.